Scores on the Doors

Food Hygiene Rating for THEnterprises (South) Ltd


St Bedes School Camberlot Road
Upper Dicker
East Sussex
BN27 3QH

1 (Major Improvement Necessary)

THEnterprises (South) Ltd was awarded a Food Hygiene Rating of 1 (Major Improvement Necessary) by Wealden District Council on 19th July 2024.

Food Hygiene and Safety
Improvement necessary
Structural Compliance
Improvement necessary
Confidence in Management
Major improvement necessary
What the Business Says
<br /> We have hot water with separate bowl for hand washing and dish/utensil washing.<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> We have a food temperature prong, where heated up food is checked for the correct temperature to serve and to keep the food fresh and cool at 8 degrees celsius.<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> Sealant for the wood has been used on the wood around our chiller to make it easier to clean.<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> PVC Hygienic wall panels are replacing the the current walling as a non-pourous and easy to cleran hygienic measure.<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> The electrician has secured all cables that are loose, out of the way and safer for staff.<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> We have a log book to monitor fridge and food temperature and manage the safe handling and storage of our cooked goods which are supplied to us.<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> All staff will be trained in food Allergies and intolerances.<br />
10th August 2024
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Information last updated 6th September 2024.

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