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Food Hygiene Rating for KikiLicks AfroCarr Street Food

Other catering premises

Private address

3 (Generally Satisfactory)

KikiLicks AfroCarr Street Food was awarded a Food Hygiene Rating of 3 (Generally Satisfactory) by London Borough of Barking & Dagenham on 5th September 2024.

Food Hygiene and Safety
Generally satisfactory
Structural Compliance
Generally satisfactory
Confidence in Management
Generally satisfactory
What the Business Says
<p><br /> The conditions observed during the inspection were not typical of the high standards we maintain at KikiLicks AfroCarr Street Food. At the time, our system for recording hot and cold food temperatures was not fully implemented, resulting in insufficient documentation. However, I believe the rating given was lower than deserved, as we fully met all other criteria regarding cleanliness, food safety, and hygiene practices.</p><br /> <p><br /> Since the inspection, we have implemented a robust system to consistently record temperatures for both hot and cold foods during preparation, storage, and serving, ensuring full compliance with food safety regulations.</p><br /> <p><br />  </p><br />
11th October 2024
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Information last updated 11th March 2025.

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