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Food Hygiene Rating for Jana Bakes - Elm Nursery Cafe


Elm NurserySutton Green RoadSutton GreenGuildfordSurrey

3 (Generally Satisfactory)

Jana Bakes - Elm Nursery Cafe was awarded a Food Hygiene Rating of 3 (Generally Satisfactory) by Woking Borough Council on 10th January 2024.

Food Hygiene and Safety
Generally satisfactory
Structural Compliance
Confidence in Management
Generally satisfactory
What the Business Says
<p><br /> Since the inspection I have carried out the following improvements:</p><br /> <br /> <br /> the establishment has been thoroughly cleaned and procedures are in place to ensure that cleanliness is maintained;<br /> <br /> the staff have been re-trained and under revised supervisory arrangements;<br /> <br /> the relevant documents printed;<br /> <br /> temperatures checked and entered in daily diary;<br /> <br /> a fly net has been fitted to the kitchen window and,<br /> <br /> delivery temperature checks are in place.<br /> <br /> <p><br /> The conditions found at the time of the inspection were not typical of the normal conditions maintained by the establishment and arose because preparation of a pasta dish was completed as a one off and prior to that had not happened since last October.  It is not a regular thing and from now on I will make sure that every time cooling like this happens, cooling procedures are in place.  Our kitchen handles very low risk food.</p><br />
15th February 2024
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Information last updated 10th March 2025.

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